UPDATE: The company has settled the lawsuit for $3.6 million.
AC2T, Inc., of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, is facing a $5 million class-action lawsuit for falsely advertising that Spartan Mosquito Eradicators and Spartan Mosquito Pro Techs attract and kill mosquitoes. Here’s a quote from the complaint (PDF):
“The Products are ineffective for mosquito prevention because they do not attract mosquitoes and are incapable of killing mosquitoes or decreasing mosquito populations. Defendant is well-aware that the Products are ineffective, yet sells them anyway in pursuit of profit and in clear disregard for public health and safety.”

Above, Spartan Mosquito founders Christopher Bonner (orange t-shirt) and Jeremy Hirsch (blue t-shirt) selling Spartan Mosquito Eradicators at a hardware store.
More details
For more details, please see links on my “Posts about Spartan Mosquito” page. All legal documents filed in the case are available at Court Listener.
This must take a bit of weight off your shoulders with their threats to you.
There’s a huge imbalance of karma for that company, so this is good news, indeed.
They work in my yard & have for years. If I don’t hang 4 of these up in early Feb you can not go outside. I hung them late this year & was eaten alive by mosquitos until I got them up & now no mosquitos. I see proof everyday that it works. It also works against yellow jackets. I had a nest in the ground & they found the tubes & it killed the whole nest. When I poured out the water there were hundreds of dead yellow jackets & now the nest is gone. Yeah!! I sure hope this does not put them out of business. Kill the mosquitos or not I don’t care they aren’t biting me when my spartan tubes are up.
Will you buy their Pro Tech version?
I too agree with you, my home was awful. Someone gave me 6 of these and it was the first summer in 16 years that I didn’t get eaten alive. I’ve used them each year and the results have been great.
I’m glad to hear you have no mosquitoes on your property. As always, would be grateful to receive a photograph of mosquitoes swarming around the tubes. I never saw a mosquito near my tubes but it sounds like you have a different situation. The company itself doesn’t have photographs of this so they would be very interested to hear from you, too, I bet.
What a monumental waste of time.
I used the Spartan mosquito product last year and it worked wonders. I used it again this spring with the same results. These are the only 2 years since 1970 that we have been mosquito free. I have no idea what’s in there, or what your complaint is, but it works better than a cigar and is probably healthier than spreading tobacco juice or deet on our skin.
They operate via placebo effect and confirmation bias. If you believe in them, you might look at the other options that are on the market. Cheaper than Spartan Mosquito and also refillable so that you don’t need to throw the plastic into the trash can. https://colinpurrington.com/2020/08/yeast-based-mosquito-control-devices/
B.S. It works! You are a pain in the neck law firm. If you follow directions, which some people fail to do, there is no question that Spartan works. It’s a great product – has NOTHING to do with placebo effect. It works.
The firm to complain to is Bursor & Fisher. This is just a blog post that summarizes the class-action lawsuit.
I agree 100%! Just got through hanging mine for the second time this year. I refill them. A placebo effect makes zero sense…..this isn’t a mental issue! It’s as if they want you to believe that there are no more mosquitos bothering you because they are still biting you, you just Don’t feel them or see them because you just hung a red & black tube in the yard? Or! Let me guess…I hung these mosquito killers up but they don’t work because my brain is now sending a signal for the insects to stay away from me because they now know I don’t want them around?! Silliest crap I’ve ever heard of…
Hi John. I have a refill recipe in case of interest. It’s at the bottom of the page. Please feel free to share.
Agreed we have a 100 acres ranch on the river in the ozarks we hang 8 of these throughout the property EARLY spring ( this is key) and we haven’t had mosquitos as an issue for years where before you couldn’t sit outside ! Again you must hang them EARLY spring to interrupt the breeding cycle .
Will you buy the “30-day” Spartan Mosquito Pro Tech when the Eradicators are no longer available?
That’s your thing, plastic in the trash, karma…blah blah blah. Grow up.
Yes, guilty as charged: big believer in karma.
Worked for me too! Looking for it now!
Company doesn’t make the Spartan Mosquito Eradicator anymore. They want everyone to buy the Spartan Mosquito PRO TECH, a version that costs more and is less effective (you need twice as many tubes/acre). Good luck in your quest!
Hey, Colin!
You don’t want to say it, understandably, but it’s quite obvious that people commenting in favor of the product are from a PR firm working for the producer. They should know that we see through them.
I’ve read more about this case than I should (lol) and it’s clear that the whole thing is an elaborate money-making scam.
One wonders why people would by it when it doesn’t work but, firstly, I doubt the company is doing that well. (What are their finances saying?). Secondly, those who are buying it have to be mostly first-time buyers who’s never buy it again. Thirdly, the notion that mosquitos supposedly “die elsewhere”, and together with the artificial emphasis on “following the instructions correctly” make people wonder whether “it MAY be working”, or somehow blame themselves and not the product, Again, it would be interesting to see how the comany actually is doing financially.
You have been sued by that company, which I gather you’re not very happy about because if the financial burden, not to mention emotionally. Could you somehow stall that one and wait for this class action suit, which seems to be strong, to come to a conclusion? If the company is convicted there, it would also have positive implictions for your case, no?
Anyhow, wishing you all the best and thank you for your work. You wouldn’t be in this if you weren’t strong, so, just be patient and keep your peace.
I think you’re right that company is not doing well. Their former accountant of many years recently quit, and he probably knew when to bail. Spartan Mosquito definitely makes good money on one-time buyers but 90% of their appeal is branding by the company’s Facebook page. The ads usually have nothing to with mosquitoes. I think “NRA” and “Hooters” used to show up as suggestions for similar pages … but Spartan Mosquito hid that feature last year.
I have been using spartan mosquito baits with success for the last 3 years. I have tried to replicate them, but for the species of mosquito we have around here they are death. Good work boys, screw New York idiots.
You gonna try the new one that works for 30 days? The Spartan Mosquito Pro Tech?
Do any of the people leaving positive comments have young children? I bought 4 (2 boxes) of the Pro Tech. and my kids were still getting so many bites everyday. We don’t let them go outside in the evenings now. I spoke to our local feed store and they swore by them, so I bought more to replace the old ones. 3 weeks later and no change. I just went outside and killed 2 within 5 minutes. I live in a wooded area, but I don’t believe they work. I won’t give them anymore of my money.
Please share your views on Facebook if you can. You’ll probably be unfriended by hundreds of true believers, stoned, and accused of being un-American … but it would be great to prevent others from being scammed. Thanks for visiting my site and leaving a comment.
Hi Colin, Thank you so much for posting this! I hate companies that scams consumers and with so many 5 stars reviews you think it’s a good product but base on all those class actions make believe that half of the product is good and the rest is garbage so they can get away saying that their product is good or all the 5 stars reviews are fake and all their products doesn’t work. These people shouldn’t be selling this product in Amazon. I’m going to report them on Amazon so they stop selling these. Thank you so much Javier
Not sure Amazon cares — company is selling a different tube there. If you can, report the company to the EPA or to state regulatory authorities. Or share my review on Facebook. Thanks for your comment.
Hi Colin, Thank you so much for posting this! I hate companies that scams consumers and with so many 5 stars reviews you think it’s a good product but base on all those class actions make believe that half of the product is good and the rest is garbage so they can get away saying that their product is good or all the 5 stars reviews are fake and all their products doesn’t work. These people shouldn’t be selling this product in Amazon. I’m going to report them on Amazon so they stop selling these. Thank you so much Javier
In reading this specific claim: “kills and inhibits mosquitoes to grow and breed again”, that is quite a stretch… Technically, I guess a mosquito could be trapped in this thing and eventually die, which also eliminates it’s ability to breed (LOL). It’s DIFFICULT to imply a placebo effect when it comes to mosquitoes and their human victims. I am a mosquito-bait human and am ready to try this based on the 2nd year experience of one of my business partners. Reading the reviews, they are weighted heavily towards mostly to completely effective, with a clear minority in the partly to ineffective range. People who are dissatisfied are more apt to publicaly announce their dissatisfaction (anecdotally by a factor of 10:1) over those who are satisfied. That would tell me that there is something positive about this product.
Using “…a favorite of Trump and similar folks” as an element of the reasoning/justification behind this suit shows the character of the complainants. NOT to diminish or nullify any of the legit complaints, they need to be heard. But, really???
I think the ratio of satisfied/unsatisfied reviews is an interesting metric. I could be wrong, but I’m wondering whether it varies with buyer demographics. For example, ratings on Amazon for divining rods are almost uniformly positive even though it’s well accepted by the general community that divining rods don’t work at all. The difference is that the pool of people buying and review divining rods is likely not a random sample of people. I suspect Spartan Mosquito is relying heavily on user testimony in its legal filings. It has a massive fan base, though it is losing marketshare to the six other companies that are making the same thing. Its decision to stop making the Eradicators is also angering many, especially because the replacement is more expensive and less effective. It will be interesting! Anyway, please do give it a try and let me know whether you see clouds of mosquitoes around the cap (the company claims that happens).
Ok, I would love a response from the professional professor.
I live in Texas and had a bad mosquito problem. I tried the Spartan traps at the recommendation of the Home Depot sales person… Guess what., ZERO misquote bites to me OR my quests while sitting outside at night for 25 days straight.
But after 25 days it seemed to be lessoning on effectiveness. $25 can quickly be spent on cans of foggers. So yes I got another pack and replaced them… Guess what Zero mosquito bites again. So professor, I’ll try to refill my old tubes with your recipe to see if I get the same great results and save $25. All the houses around me are an Acre, hard to replicate the same great results that I have experienced with Spartan I am sure. But I’ll give your home brew a shot and compare. And there isn’t a placebo effect with mosquito bites… you either get bit or you don’t. Wish they had a fire ant product that was this effective.
Good luck. Out of curiosity, for those periods during which you believed the tubes were attracting/killing mosquitoes, did you observe mosquitoes gathering around them? Per all the ads I’ve seen that’s what is supposed to happen. But I haven’t been able to get confirmation, either from the company or from users, that the gathering actually happens.
Also, you might check with Denton County Public Health. They monitor mosquitoes for diseases and occasionally spray parts of your area. Might be worth contacting them to see whether there might be other explanations for the variation in mosquito populations. The Justin public works department could also help you out, I’d bet: 940-648-2541.
We used the original Mosquito Eradicators for several years. Our backyard was completely unihabitable before we started using the original product. They worked so well that any guests that would come visit us would comment about our mosquito-free back porch and ask what we were using. We had a stockpile of them because they became so hard to find. This year is the first year we’ve had to buy new ones. I didn’t notice the new “Pro Tech” label until just this morning. I was doing some online research because the new tubes don’t seem to have any effectiveness AT ALL. That’s how I came across this page describing the lawsuit.
To answer your question, I never SAW the mosquitos congregate around the old tubes but I can tell you that the back corner of our yard where the tubes hang was miserable to mow. I’d come out of there with a handful of mosquito bites. I do want to try your formula/recipe. Thanks!
I work at a Farm and Home store where these are sold. We have sold thousands and I would say 75% or more are repeat costumers. I trust the consumer that is buying and using the product that is why I just purchased a box for my yard. If it works, great…if not…oh well. At least I will have given it a shot.
Please spy on your tubes with binoculars are big-lens camera. Company claims “mosquitoes will gather” but I’ve never seen that happen in my yard. And over the years of asking people to spy on their tubes, nobody has reported back seeing even a single mosquito. The devices (both the Eradicator and their newer Pro Tech) just don’t seem to be capable of attracting mosquitoes in the real world. But even if you did see a cloud of mosquitoes, the Eradicator simply cannot kill them … the salt has absolutely no effect. That’s not just my opinion — per experiments done by scientists, salt does not kill adult mosquitoes. Hence all the companies claiming otherwise are making false claims. They are charlatans who know how to pitch ads and build brand loyalty.
Out of curiosity, if you conclude that device is a scam, will you stop selling it?
Please report back, regardless, and thanks for stopping by.
I put one in my yard 3 weeks ago just like the directions said. I havn’t noticed any effect it has had on mosquitos . They are still bad!
Please consider reporting the company to the EPA and to state authorities. And share with your friends in case they might be at risk of being scammed.
You can get your money back now. Complete form at https://ac2tsettlement.com/.
Seem too work well at our place in Texas.
My interest is piqued as we bought these last summer and I can’t quite remember how effective they were. This summer we have been using the BuzzPatch stickers which have some level of effectiveness but not 100% repelling for the 2 of 4 in our family who are mosquito magnets. My mom told me today about their experience with using Tougher Than Tom’s for the first time. She’s reporting no swarms at their backdoor when theyre are usually swarms, but the company site provides no details as to what their special formula is comprised of. However, they sound like they work in a similar manner in which the user adds water and hangs up canisters, changing every 6 weeks. Do you have any info on Tougher Than Toms?
Tougher Than Tom’s Mosquito TNT is actually a wasp trap made in China. It’s filled with water, sugar, and yeast. I’ve never tried one but am assuming it’s just as effective as a Spartan Mosquito Eradicator, which is a scam. For more details, please see the last entry in “Yeast-based mosquito control devices.”
It is not a scam if it works for most people, Perhaps the people having problems
have not followed the instructions or have standing water near their location or
place them improperly. Without knowledge of the exact timing, location and
proper use it would be impossible to prove that they were not working.
I live in Florida near the beach and have always been exposed to the mosquito
problem out doors. Two years ago I was given this product by someone who had
used it and I have never had a problem with the bugs since. I will be buyig them
again this year.
Sort of like dowsing rods, it seems, in that proponents say they only work if directions are closely followed.
Noticed land next door that has always been a mosquito nightmare with them making one side of my property unihabitable no longer had mosquitos..
I noticed a mosquito trap someone put in a tree mosquito eradicator.
So…something is workinh
Are you planning on buying Spartan Mosquito Eradicators this summer?
Last year they worked great but they were 90 day ones. I could not find 90 day ones this time so I bought the 30 day ones and they do not work the mosquito are so bad I don’t let my dogs out. The mosquitos try to carry me off their are so many. I’m trying to find the 90day ones they do work. Texas
If you can’t find Spartan Mosquito Eradicators there are a half-dozen products that mimic them. I summarize the options here.
You can ask for a refund at this site: https://ac2tsettlement.com/.
We used these products for years. Works great. My apt deck is right in front of the woods. Seriously it works. I can sit on my deck wearing shorts at dusk and not bothered at all by mosquitoes. I don’t know why some people say they don’t work. This is a great product
Thanks for your comment. Do you use the salt or the boric acid version?
I am a professional Biologist and pest control expert with many years of experience. It’s so sad to see so many people fooled by this garbage… If a black tube of sugar and salt did anything to help with mosquitoes, then we would have known about it since ancient Egypt. I heard Jeremy Hirch was in psi ops in the Army, and now him and his goons have used that sort of crap to push this bogus product out (and they’ll rot in hell for it too IMO). DON’T be fooled! Spray a little DEET on your ankles and remove standing water from your yard. If it’s bad, call someone who seems reasonable to come spray your yard.
I’ve been told that his military discharge folder contains information that would be relevant to the company’s vindictive suit against me. He was not liked, apparently.
Hi Colin,
How do people get their refunds though? Is there a website or something like that?
I’m not sure! I’ve heard heard the gossip about the deal but haven’t seen the details released by either Spartan Mosquito or the plaintiff’s lawyer. I suspect we’ll hear more when the judge OKs the settlement. Sure is taking a long time. There are tens of thousands of people still buying these things every week.
Submit a claim here: https://ac2tsettlement.com/. And please tell your friends.
Thanks. Done.
Grew up in rice country in Northeast Arkansas, so mosquitos have always been a part of my life. At our last house the mosquitos would be so thick at night that you could go outside, clap your hands together, and kill two or three mosquitos, every time. During the day they would gather in the corners of our house/patio (out of the wind/sunlight) by the tens of thousands. They were so thick you’d could hear them buzzing from ten feet away.
After recommendations from friends, we tried the original Spartans. We lived on about a 1/4 acre and hung up 6 tubes. Four on each corner of our fenced in backyard and one on each corner of the front of the house. We experienced no change in the number of mosquitos on our property, and the tubes did absolutely nothing to attract mosquitos towards them and away from the house.
Out of curiosity, did you ever leave a comment or review on Spartan Mosquito’s facebook page?
Submit a refund claim here: https://ac2tsettlement.com/.
I purchased a pack of 2 of the Spartan Mosquito Eradicator, how do I get in the lawsuit
Just submit a claim at https://ac2tsettlement.com/.