UPDATE: The company has settled the lawsuit for $3.6 million.
AC2T, Inc., of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, is facing a $5 million class-action lawsuit for falsely advertising that Spartan Mosquito Eradicators and Spartan Mosquito Pro Techs attract and kill mosquitoes. Here’s a quote from the complaint (PDF):
“The Products are ineffective for mosquito prevention because they do not attract mosquitoes and are incapable of killing mosquitoes or decreasing mosquito populations. Defendant is well-aware that the Products are ineffective, yet sells them anyway in pursuit of profit and in clear disregard for public health and safety.”

Above, Spartan Mosquito founders Christopher Bonner (orange t-shirt) and Jeremy Hirsch (blue t-shirt) selling Spartan Mosquito Eradicators at a hardware store.
More details
For more details, please see links on my “Posts about Spartan Mosquito” page. All legal documents filed in the case are available at Court Listener.