I have so many photographs to share from my fall trip that I’ve opted for simple galleries instead of my usual text-heavy descriptions. In related news, this page could take several minutes to load so if you have other things to do today, please come back later to check on the progress. If you haven’t been to Big Bend National Park, fix that. It’s an amazing place.

Acmaeodera opacula

Eleodes spinipes macrura

Chauliognathus limbicollis

Lewis’ soldier beetle


Lampetis drummondi

Stenomorpha obliterata

Pelecyphorus regularis


Spotted Tylosis

Thread-waisted sand wasp

Novomessor cockerelli

Comanche paper wasp

Rough harvester ant


Large creosote gall midge

Poecilanthrax sp.

Banded bee fly

Empress Leilia

Reakirt’s blue

Syssphinx sp.

Cochineal scale bugs

Conchuela bug

Western leaf-footed bug

Modest grasshopper

Creosote bush grasshoppers

Plains lubber grasshopper

Pardosa sura

Orthonops lapanus

Desert millipede

Arthrorhabdus pygmaeus

Opuntia leaf miner

Long-jawed desert termites

Mesquite leaf tier moth
Lichens and fungi

Sweet acacia

Mexican palo verde

Mexican buckeye

Texas virgin’s bower

Texas lignum-vitae


Desert marigold


Rough Nama


Date palm

Bird’s-claw beard-moss

Texas persimmon seeds

Texas persimmon fruit

Ocotillo stems

Ocotillo inflorescence



Thompson’s yucca

Torrey’s yucca

Strawberry cactus

Echinocereus russanthus russanthus

Echinocereus enneacanthus enneacanthus

New Mexico rainbow cactus

Opuntia seeds

Purple pricklypear

Spiny fruit prickly pear

Little nipple cactus

Horse crippler

Most web posts about national parks show the landscape. This post starts with the life forms, and what a fresh perspective it brings! I will show my child this page next time we go to another national park.
The few landscape shots at the bottom also happen to be professional grade.
Thank you so much. My father had talked up the flora and fauna for years, urging me to visit. He was not wrong. If your kid shows interest, I have to say that the nature section of the books for sale at most national parks are amazing. If I didn’t have full luggage already I would have hoarded.
You captured the diversity beautifully.
Albeit a super small fraction of the diversity. I would love to go back in the summer and spring sometime.
Isn’t it an amazing place?!? Great birding and interesting history, too. So glad you got to experience it! (You’ll have to get over to the Big Thicket sometime, too. It doesn’t have any of the arresting vistas, but for anyone that enjoys small things, you’ll be well occupied.
Yes, amazing place. Was there with a birder but my lens never had the reach to even see what he was talking about. As for Big Thicket, I’d never heard of it but just spent a few minutes searching on the web for it. Has carnivorous plants, among other draws. Thanks for the tip!