Photographs of the pest-resistant cage I built in my back yard. Before the cage, birds and squirrels ate all of my blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, and sweet corn. It worked great except that yields were low due to increasing shade over the years. So I’ve converted it into a chicken run.

Do you have a link to your plans for this/materials/etc. My husband is offering to build it for me, and I’d like to make it as easy as possible for him. We live adjacent to a state park in FL and the squirrels have eaten every squash, cucumber, melon, corn, etc. I’ve tried everything that I can find to rid myself of their scourge, but to no avail. Any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated.
I don’t have plans, unfortunately. But am happy to answer any questions he might have.
Did your husband build one?
This is great. What was it you used for the actual planters, looks gray running around the bottom?
They are metal and unfortunately no longer made. This is close but seems way overpriced.
This is what you should make. Much studier than what I have and looks great.